Today, you can see many of these signs popping up on for sale signs on homes throughout the lower mainland. And I get it! There will always be a new trend in marketing homes when they are for sale. However, I don't believe REALTORS® and sellers know there is another option out there.
For a long time now, I've enjoyed the use of dedicated websites for each of my listings. Is it that the dedicated website is dead? An old trend of selling homes? Or is it more of a difficult setup, not a useful tool, or is it that the seller and REALTOR® are unaware of the option. What ever the reason for the lack in dedicated websites for homes, I am a strong believer in the use of dedicated websites.
What are dedicated websites? They are websites that are purely designed for one property listing. Giving only the information for the home you are marketing and nothing else. For instance, say you have a listing with the address 1234 Pleasant Lane (horrible choice of address I know). On the sign, you could have the dedicated website ,"For full details on this home visit -". Example below.
Big deal, right?
There are some major differences in the benefits to the seller and the REALTOR® when using these signs. Let's look at the pros and cons of each.
"Text for Info"
- Everyone has a phone and can text for info
- Sends full details to the potential buyers instantly via text
- Creates leads for the listing agent
- One created post sign can be used on a number of different listings
- Buyers may feel "uneasy" giving their number to the listing agent, when really they just want info on the property
- No details are given on where buyer traffic is coming from, except that buyers are standing outside of home
- Companies Limit what information you can give to the buyers
"Dedicated Websites"
- Everyone has a phone with internet access
- Buyers do not need to search endlessly on the listing REALTORS® personal website to find the property info
- The Website gives full details, including photos, floor plans, any videos and mapping for the home
- Gives easy access to information anytime you advertise the listing, whether on the sign, print media or online
- The website will also give complete stats to the seller and the listing REALTOR® including how many buyers came to the site to view the home, where they are coming from (online marketing, social media, and online classifieds), how long they are looking at the home on the site, and much more detailed info for both interested parties.
- You have to pay for a new sign everytime you list a property
- REALTORS® are not given phone numbers of the buyers to get leads or follow up with buyers
- You have to know how to set up the sites
So there are reasons why some REALTORS® use each of the above. But what would the sellers prefer? Are REALTORS® giving the options? What do you think?
I strongly believe all sellers and REALTORS® prefer the sign below over the signs above. It just depends on the route we take to get the sign below put up.
- this article was written by Alex Jopson of Sutton Group - West Coast Realty